My coworker seems to hate me – what can I do?

I thought I got on well with an old colleague, but now he’s giving me the cold shoulder. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that he’s busy, but the way he ignores me tells me it’s on purpose. We are supposed to work very closely because we share many projects. What can I do?
Many issues in the workplace mirror life outside of work, so how would you handle this situation in your personal life? If someone you were once close to started giving you the cold shoulder, would you just do the same, or ignore them, or cut them off? Or would you have a conversation – without putting them on the defensive – explaining how you feel, that you perceive a noticeable change in the relationship, that you value the relationship, and that you are concerned? Express that you are wondering if something is wrong or if you have inadvertently upset them. The latter is usually the best course of action with all interpersonal relationships, whether personal or professional. It’s the only way to find out what’s going on and have a chance to fix the relationship.

My co-worker, who does the same job as me, is paid much more than me. She is no better at it. As a man, can I claim sex discrimination for unequal pay?
You can claim anything, but that doesn’t mean it has merit. Just because there’s a pay gap doesn’t mean it’s gender-based. There are many legitimate reasons why two people in the same role might be paid differently, including length of tenure, experience, level of performance, and perhaps because the other person was better at negotiating or harder to attract to the company. So you have to demonstrate that the difference is based on gender. Some contextual evidence supporting a possible claim might be that most people in one classification are paid less than people in another, or if there is any statement that the disparity is based on gender. Discuss with HR, or a lawyer. If you’re wondering whether a man can claim discrimination under equal pay laws, the answer is yes.

Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a Chief Human Resources Executive. Listen to Greg Wed. at 9:35 on iHeartRadio 710 WOR with Len Berman and Michael Riedel. Email: Follow: and on Twitter: @GregGiangrande

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